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delightfully eloquent, various in knowledge, and highly appreciative."

And again, on the same topic:

"Upton, Slough, Bucks,
"June 6th, 1889.

"How very kind of you to write to me the very interesting account of your interview with Mr. Gladstone!

"It is an event of your life, an event of which you may well be proud, because the interview arises from his interest in the product of your brain and heart. It does him honor that he should thus seek to form the acquaintance of one whom he believes to be possibly moulding public opinion in religious matters.

"I do most heartily congratulate you, because, in the history of your life, such an interview henceforth becomes a bit of your career, as Fox's conversations with the poet Rogers forms an interesting and valuable episode in Rogers' life."

The following are characteristic of Mr. Bentley's opinions and frame of mind. The conclusion of the letter written in October is pleasantly Johnsonian:

"June 11th, 1889.

"Genius recognizes genius; it is only mediocrity which is jealous. Genius is too full of richness to want others' laurels."

"October 14th, 1889.

"I shall very gladly give the matter my best attention, as I need not add that my literary associa-