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meeting in the novelist a severe literary woman with spectacles and a bilious complexion. It may be truly said that Marie Corelli is very light-hearted, always high-spirited, and full of fun; people who represent her as morbid, brooding on her own "sorrows," or grumbling at the world in general, have never seen her, and can form no idea of her disposition.

She is really a most charming lady, a most hospitable hostess, a delightful raconteur, a brilliant musician, a woman of broad views and large sympathies, a true and staunch friend, always glad to do a kindly action.

After the record-breaking success of "The Master Christian" and the world-wide discussions following the publication of that famous book, the editor of a magazine addressed the following communication to Miss Marie Corelli:

"Dear Madam,—

"I venture to ask whether you would kindly undertake for us a review of Mr. Hall Caine's new book, 'The Eternal City'?

"Your own novel on a somewhat similar theme leads us to believe that a criticism of Mr. Caine's book from your pen would be of great interest and