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on his side. But where are the treasures you have brought back, the slaves and the rich spoils? I would gladly see some of them, for the messengers you sent told great tales of the riches of Haïl.'

'To-morrow they will be brought into the city. Your father has remained feasting in the gardens towards Dereyiyah, and the whole army with him. I rode hither alone.'

'Why did you not remain too?'

'Because that whim of the fancy which I call love brought me back,' Khaled answered.

'Then I am glad you love me,' said Zehowah. 'For I am glad you came quickly.'

'Are you truly glad?'

'I was very tired of my women,' she answered. 'I am sorry you have brought nothing with you. Are there any among the captives who are beautiful?'

'There is one, a present sent lately to the Sultan of Shammar. She is very beautiful, and unlike all the rest. Your father is much pleased with her, and will perhaps marry her.'

'Of what kind is her beauty?' asked Zehowah.

'She is as white as milk, her eyes are twin sapphires, her mouth is a rose, her hair is like gold reddened in fire.'

Zehowah was silent for a while, and twisted a string of musk-beads round her fingers.