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'What is gold that it should he weighed in the balance with the life of a man? You are dearer to me than gold.'

'Is this love, Zehowah?' Khaled asked, in a low voice.

'I do not know whether it he love or not.'

'The wing of night is lifted for a moment, and the false dawn is seen, and afterwards it is night again. But the true dawn will come by and by, when night folds her wings before the day.'

'You speak in a riddle, Khaled.'

'It is no matter. I will neither make a speech to the people, nor give them gifts. What is it to me? Let them chatter from the first call to prayer until the lights are put out in the evening. My fate is about my neck, and I cannot change it, any more than I can make you love me. Allah is great. I will wait and see what happens.'

'Everything is undoubtedly in Allah's hand,' said Zehowah. 'But if a man, having meat set before him, will not raise his right hand to thrust it into the dish, he will die of hunger.'

'And do you think that Allah does not know before whether the man will stretch out his hand or not?'

'Undoubtedly Allah knows. And he also knows that if you will not sift this matter and stop the