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The Tragicall History

Read, read the Scriptures: that is blasphemy.

Bad An.
Goe forward Faustus in that famous Art
Wherein all Natures treasure is contain'd:
Be thou on earth as Jove is in the skie,
Lord and Commander of these Elements.Exit Ang.

How am I glutted with conceit of this?
Shall I make spirits fetch me what I please?
Resolve me of all ambiguities?
Performe what desperate enterprises I will?
Ile have them flye to India for gold,
Ransacke the Ocean for Orient Pearle,
And search all corners of the new found World
For pleasant fruits, and Princely delicates.
Ile have them reade me strange Philosophy,
And tell the secrets of all forraine Kings:
Ile have them wall all Germany with brasse,
And with swift Rhine circle all Wittenberge:
Ile have them fill the publike Schooles with skill,
Wherewith the Students shall be bravely clad.
Ile leavy Souldiers with the coyne they bring,
And chase the Prince of Prama from our Land,
And reigne sole King of all the Provinces.
Yea stranger Engines for the brunt of War,
Then was the fiery keele at Antwerp Bridge,
Ile make my servile spirits to invent.
Come Germane Valdes and Cornelius,Enter Valdes
And make me wise with your sage conference. and Cornel.
Valdes, sweet Valdes and Cornelius,
Know that your words have won me at the last,
To practice Magicke and concealed Arts.
Philosophy is odious and obscure:
Both Law and Physicke are for petty wits,
Tis Magicke, Magicke that hath ravisht me.
Then gentle friends aid me in this attempt,
And I that have with subtile Syllogismes
Gravel'd the Pastors of the Germane Church,
And made the flowring pride of Wittenberge
Swarme to my Problemes, as th'infernall spirits
