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of Doctor Faustus

Is that the reason why he tempts us thus?

Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.

Why, have you any paine that torture others?

As great as have the humane soules of men.
But tell me Faustus, shall I have thy soule?
And I will be thy slave and wait on thee,
And give thee more then thou hast wit to ask.

I Mephostophilis, Ile give it him.

Then Faustus stab thy arme couragiously,
And bind thy soule that at some certaine day
Great Lucifer may claime it as his owne:
Then be thou as great as Lucifer.

Lo Mepho. for love of thee Faustus hath cut his arme,
And wt his proper blood assures his soule to be great Lucifers:
Chiefe Lord and regent of perpetuall night.
View here this blood that trickles from mine arme,
And let it be propitious for thy wish.

But Faustus,
Write it in manner of a Deed of Gift.

I so I doe, but Mephostophilis,
My blood conjeales and I can write no more.

Ile fetch thee fire to dissolve it straight.Exit.

What might the staying of my blood portend?
It is unwilling I should write this bill,
Why streames it not that I may write a fresh?
Faustus gives to thee his soule: O there it staid.
Why shouldst thou not? is not thy soule thine owne?
Then write againe: Faustus gives to thee his

Enter Mephostophilis, with the Chafer of fire.

See Faustus here is fire, set it on.

So now the blood begins to cleare againe,
Now will I make an end immediatly.

What will not I doe to obtaine his soule?

Consummatum est: this bill is ended,
And Faustus hath bequeath'd his soule to Lucifer.
But what is this inscription on mine Arme?
