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The Tragicall History

That shall I soone. What art thou the first?

I am Pride; I disdaine to have any parents. I am like to Ovids Flea, I can creep into every corner of a wench: Sometimes like a Periwigge, I sit upon her Brow: next, like a Necke-lace, I hang about her Necke: Then, like a Fanne of Feathers, I kisse her: and then turning my selfe to a wrought smocke doe what I list. But fie, what a smell is here? Ile not speake a word more for a kings Ransome, unlesse the ground bee perfumed and covered with cloth of Aras.

Thou art a proud knave indeed: what art thou the second?

I am Covetousnesse: begotten of an old Churle in a leather bag: and might I now obtaine my wish, this house, you and all, should turne to gold, that I might locke you safe into my Chest: O my sweet gold.

And what art thou the third?

I am Envy: begotten of a Chimney-sweeper and an Oyster wife: I cannot reade, and therefore wish all bookes burned. I am leane with seeing others eat: O that there would come a famine over all the world, that all might die, and I live alone, then thou shouldst see how fat I'de be. But must thou sit, and I stand? come downe with a vengance.

Out envious wretch: But what art thou the fourth?

I am Wrath, I had neither Father nor Mother; I leapt out of a Lyons mouth when I was scarce an houre old, and have ever since have runne up and downe the world with these case of Rapiers, wounding my selfe when I could get none to fight withall: I was borne in Hell, and looke to it, for some of you shall be my Father.

And what art thou the fift?

I am Gluttony, my parents are all dead, and the divell a penny they have left me but a small pension, and that buyes mee thirty meales a day, and ten Beavers: a small trifle to suffice nature. I came of a Royalle pedigree, my Father was a Gammon of Bacon, and my Mother was a Hogs-head of Claret wine. My God-Fathers were these: Peter-pickled herring, and Martin Martlemas-beefe: But my God-
