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of Doctor Faustus

May be admired through the furthest land.

Tis well said Faustus, come then stand by me,
And thou shalt see them come immediatly.

Nay stay my gentle Mephostophilis,
And grant me my request and then I go.
Thou knowst within the compass of eight daies,
We view'd the face of heaven, of earth, and hell.
So high our Dragons soar'd into the Ayre,
That looking downe, the earth appear'd to me,
No bigger then my hand in quantitie.
There did we view the kingdoms of the world,
And what might please mine eye, I there beheld.
Then in this shew let me an actor be,
That this proud Pope may Faustus cunning see.

Let it be so my Faustus, but first stay,
And view their triumphs, as they passe this way,
And then devise what best contents thy minde,
By cunning in thine Art to crosse the Pope,
Or dash the pride of this solemnitie;
To make his Monkes and Abbots stand like apes,
And point like antiques to his triple crowne:
To beat the beads about the Friers pates,
Or clap huge hornes upon the Cardinalls heads:
Or any villany thou canst devise,
And Ile performe, Faustus: harke, they come:
This day shall make thee be admir'd in Rome.

Enter the Cardinalls and Bishops, some bearing Crosiers, some the
Pillars, Monks and Friers, singing their procession:
Then the Pope, and Raymond, King of Hungary,
with Bruno led in Chaines

Cast downe our foot-stoole.

Saxon Bruno stoope,
Whilst on thy backe his Holinesse ascends
Saint Peters chaire, and state Pontificall.

Proud Lucifer, that state belongs to me:
But thus I fall to Peter, not to thee.
