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The Tragicall History

Enter the Ambushed Soldiers.

1 Sold.
Come sirs prepare your selves in readinesse,
Make haste to helpe these noble Gentlemen,
I heard them parley with the Conjuror.

2 Sold.
See where he comes, dispatch and kill the slave.

Whats here? an ambush to betray my life:
Then Faustus trie thy skill: base Peasants stand;
For loe the trees remove at my command,
And stand as Bulwarks twixt your selves and me,
To shield me from your hated treachery:
Yet to encounter this your weake attempt,
Behold an Army comes incontinent.

Faustus strikes the doore, and enter a Divell playing on a drum, after him another bearing an Ensigne: and divers with weapons, Mephostophilis with fireworks; they set upon the Souldiers and drive them out.

Enter at severall doores Benvolio, Fredericke, and Martino, their
heads and faces bloody and besmeared with mud
and durt, having all hornes on their heads

What ho, Benvolio?

Here, what Fredericke, ho?

O helpe me gentle friend, where is Martino?

Deere Fredericke here,
Half smotherd in a lake of mud and durt,
Through which the Furies dragged me by the heeles.

Martino see,
Benvolio's hornes againe.

O misery, how now Benvolio?

Defend me heaven, shall I be haunted still?

Nay feare not man, we have no power to kill.

My friends transformed thus: O hellish spite,
