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[ 33 ]

The Bear enrag’d th’ affrighted Moon ſhall dread.

The Terror created to the Moon by the Anger of the Bear, is a ſtrange Expreſſion, but may perhaps relate to the Apprehenſions raiſed in the Turkiſh Empire, of which a Creſcent or new Moon is the imperial Standard, by the increaſing Power of the Empreſs of Ruſſia, whoſe Dominions lie under the Northern Conſtellation called The Bear.

—— Tunc latis
Florebunt Lilia Pratis.

The Lilies o’er the Vales triumphant ſpread.

The Lilies borne by the Kings of France are an apt Repreſentation of that Country; and their flouriſhing over wide extended Valleys ſeems to regard the new Increaſe of the French Power, Wealth, and Dominions, by the Advancement of their Trade, and the Acceſſion of Loraine. This is at the firſt View an obvious, but, per-
