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[ 43 ]

for the benefit of Poſterity. So that the Inſcription may, by being inſerted there, ſink once more into Darkneſs and Oblivion, inſtead of informing the Age, and aſſiſting our preſent Miniſtry in the Regulation of their Meaſures.”

Another obſerved, that nothing was more unreaſonable than my Hope, that any Remarks or Elucidations would be drawn up by that Fraternity, ſince their own Employments do not allow them any Leiſure for ſuch attempts. Every one knows that Panegyric is in its own Nature no eaſy Taſk, and that to defend is much more difficult than to attack; conſider then, ſays he, what Induſtry, what Aſſiduity it muſt require, to praiſe and vindicate a Miniſtry like ours[1].

  1. If this had been written by Dr. Johnson, it could not have failed long ago to have been turned againſt him by ſome of his Adverſaries: And indeed it would have been a difficult Thruſt to have parried, or a hard Stroke to have borne.
