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pected from any ſingle Hand, but from the joint Enquiries and united Labours of a numerous Society of able Men, inſtituted by Authority, ſelected with great Diſcernment and Impartiality, and ſupported at the Charge of the Nation.

I am very far from apprehending that any Propoſal for the Attainment of ſo deſirable an End, will be rejected by this inquiſitive and enlightened Age, and ſhall therefore lay before the Public the Project which I have formed and matured by long Conſideration, for the Inſtitution of a Society of Commentators upon this Inſcription.

I humbly propoſe, that Thirty of the moſt diſtinguiſhed Genius be choſen for this Employment, Half from the Inns of Court, and Half from the Army, and be incorporated into a Society for Five Years, under the Name of the Society of Commentators.
