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hitherto existed, and existed with advantage. But I conceive the great gain will really be to the poorer classes, who, I am convinced, with very few exceptions, never trouble themselves about the legality of the question at all. If they are aware of the illegality, they escape from the difficulty by dispensing with the Marriage Ceremony; and if they are ignorant of the illegality, they violate the Law, and the object of the Legislature is equally defeated. In short, I am decidedly of opinion, that the Repeal of the present Law, while it may partially, and very partially affect the habits of Society among the upper classes, will remove a barrier to marriage which now exists, but which I do not believe God ever set up. It will prevent much immorality among the Poor — relieve many a burdened conscience, and tend to the increase of happiness amongst large numbers of our fellow-countrymen.

I am, my dear Sir,
Very faithfully yours,
H. Montagu Villiers.