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I30 MARRIAGE WITH A [vii. with shall it be salted ? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men." But I do not believe that we of the Church of England shall adopt this principle. We shall re- pudiate it not only in word, but in action and practice. Our bishops and priests will continue to refuse Holy Communion to persons living in incest. Our lay-people will support their clergy in carrying out the discipline of the Church in this matter ; and, where they see any of the clergy remiss, they will bring pressure to bear upon them, or complain of them to the bishop. It is a good omen of the future that a resolution was carried, nemine coniradicente, on July 7, 19 10, at a meeting of the Representative Church Council, which runs thus : " That this Council desires to record its emphatic opinion that any assumption that the State can by parliamentary legislation practically dictate the terms of admission to Holy Communion, is a position which cannot be accepted by the Church." ^ God grant that we all, whether we belong to the clergy or to the laity, may be loyal and staunch, so that we may hand on the Church to our children, certainly no worse, but rather, by the help of God, better, than it was when we received it from our fathers.

  • T^e Guardian for July 15, 1910, p. 970-