Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/112

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Galloping Dick

not ha’ minded to buss her there and then, but seeing she was in such a taking, and had used me so kindly, I made shift to ease her delicacy.

“Hark’ee, miss,” says I, “I will secure myself within the further room there, and you shall clap the doors upon me as tight as you will.”

But: “No!” says she again, and in a hasty manner: “’Tis my sister-in-law’s room,” says she.

“Faith!” said I, laughing, “I am come into a regular plague of sleeping chambers. But if I must needs, then, keep the room, sink me! but we will have the light out, young madam.”

And then: “No,” again says she, looking at me rather frightened.

“Oh, well,” says I in some impatience, “if you will not trust me so far, in God’s name do not trust me at all; and I will take my way out of the window again, with thanks.”

“Nay, nay!” she said, for that touched her heart. “But I will trust you, sir. If you will