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Of the Lady’s Chamber

gentlemen, and in my house! Oh, and us with all our jewels!”

And it was upon the echo of this that I entered and came plump upon the company. There was three of the traps, and they all turned sharp at my footsteps.

“What is this fuss?” says I, in a fine tall voice, and regarding them all with indignation.

“Why, here is our man,” cried one of the traps, a tall lout of a fellow, Wilkins by name, as I knew very well by sight; and thereupon two of them, running up, set their hands on me.

“Oons!” cried I furiously, sending them sprawling. “What the devil! You unmannerly scum!”

“’Tis the man himself, your ladyship,” said Wilkins, and then; “Richard Ryder,” said he, “I arrest you in the King’s name.”

“God a mercy,” broke out her ladyship; “Sir Paul, what is this comedy?”

“Sir Paul!” cries Wilkins in an amaze.

“’Tis my husband, sirrah,” says her ladyship haughtily. “Sir Paul Fulton of the