Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/131

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

dear,” she says eagerly, “odds me, but you shall learn me the trade. Faith, and I’ll learn it; indeed, sis, and I will.”

’Twas not that I minded the knowledge of my calling, for I never have blushed for that; but to be made a mock of before an old Mawkin, and with Mrs Cynthia’s face of wonderment opposing me, was a sorry trial for my temper. But I was not to be drawn out, and I passed it off pretty well, for I says, “Faith, your ladyship,” I says a little roughly, but smiling, “I will teach you anything in the world, and Miss here, and the rather that I’ll warrant with two pretty faces and no ugly dowdies we should not want for decoys.”

At that she laughed (but Miss turned red) and, clapping her hands, filled me out more wine.

“What an admirable husband I have gotten, for sure!” she cries to Sir Charles, who was hee-heeing in his silly fashion.

“And,” says I, thinking to mark a score upon him, if I might not upon her, “If you and me