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Galloping Dick

words out of my mouth, she waved me away with a gesture of impatience.

“Lard, Ryder, d’ye see that I am busy? I have enough to do but to mind your tantrums;” and fell to re-reading of her letter with every demonstration of delight.

And while I stood there for the moment, mortified and dubitative, I heard Miss’s voice again in my ears. “Sir,” she says, “and indeed ’tis urgent that you go?”

“Why——” I cried, turning on her in vexation; but then something in her viznomy stopped me. “Well, what is it?” I asked.

“Whatever you be,” she says, “you have enemies, who will be brought upon you very soon. And you had best escape while there is time.”

“Oh!” said I, for now I understood. “You mean old Mawkin? ’Tis a treacherous old hunks, and I will prick him into a few holes with his own bodkin.”

“I name no names,” she says quickly, “but you will go?” she urged.

“Damme, no,” says I, being now angered at