Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/160

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Galloping Dick

chandler after a moment, and with extreme friendliness.

“Well,” said I, for the whim ran into my head on the moment to set their fat eyes a-goggling, “if it be another glass, why I will not say no; but upon that limit I stop. D’ye understand? I stop,” I said, bringing my foot with the stamp on the floor. “His Majesty’s business can ill afford to wait upon any man’s thirst”

“His Majesty’s business!” cried the fat chandler, exchanging a glance with the inn-keeper, and opening his eyes.

“His Majesty!” says I sharply. “I said nothing of His Majesty. Must you be putting words between a gentleman’s teeth?”

“No, no,” says the fat chandler hastily, “’twas my mistake,” and signed to the landlord to bring another bottle. When it was come, he filled the glasses, and put one to his lips. “Well,” he says, smiling at me amiably, “Here’s to the success of any business you may have in hand, friend; and I’m sure ’tis of importance.”