Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/162

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Galloping Dick

one, too;” and the two regarded me with fresh esteem and wonder.

But I was not disposed to juggle away the afternoon in the society of a pair of sobersides, and, truth to say, I know not what put me in the humour to fool them so, unless ’twas the wine, which was excellent, and for which they deserved some return. But already I was regretting my piece of sport. Not that I cared two pinches for the simpletons; but ’tis a wise tongue that keeps the habit of silence. So making them my devours, which on their part were very respectful, I left the tavern and rode back to our tryst at the “Joiners’ Arms” in the little village of Lewisham. There I found Creech in a black mood, but Zacchary bubbling with excitement.

“We’re on a lunatic job, and we’re a pack of fools; that’s what we are,” says Creech with an oath. And with that I knew that he, too, had been talking with Old Irons.

“Well,” said I, “’twas you put us on to it, Dan, and why in God’s name do you change your tune at this hour of night?” For it