Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/174

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Galloping Dick

horses, and propping his pistol on the ribs of the one that had fallen.

“Bravo, Danny!” says I, and stuck my iron through the ribs of Zacchary’s second opponent. But thereupon, and while Zacchary was finishing off the last of ’em, I heard a sound behind me and felt something tingle in my side. Turning about I came face to face with a sort of officer man by the coach side, with a red cut across his face, which maybe was some of my own handiwork. The point had slipped through my thigh, and had I not moved, would, doubtless, have gone to my midriff. I turned mighty dizzy of a sudden, and I remember that his face went from me in a mist; I had, moreover, a sickly sense of wobbling on my legs. But by an effort of my mind I recall squaring myself on them, and then, feeling still that I was going, I lunged forward blindly. My point took him somewhere, and he went back upon his head under the wheels. I myself was carried with a bang against the coach, and leaned there, supporting myself vaguely for a moment, until I grew conscious that it was