Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/182

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Galloping Dick

Creech and me, and the King’s pictures all for him! This discovery sent me into a black choler, in which I would hear no suggestions of prudence for my own safety. I swore I would be even with him, if only for the blood of Zacchary. But the Devil of it was that here was I being driven into Dartford with never a word to say for myself. ’Twas true, he was in ignorance that I sat behind him, and this set me thinking, so that presently, what between wrath and the cordial inwards of a silver pocket vial I carried, I had contrived a manoeuvre to pursue when we reached the town. ’Twas hazardous, but, the Lord knows, I was less like to care for hazards at that moment than ever in my life.

And in this wise we rattled into Dartford, each of us, I daresay, encumbered with strong emotions. Timothy Grubbe drew up before an inn, and descending from the box rapped loudly at the door. But as for me I took no heed of him after that, for letting myself in a gingerly way to the ground upon the other side I shambled miserably off into the night.