Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/184

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Galloping Dick

filch ’em of their purses, when down comes my pistol-butt on his head.”

“You’re a lad of mettle,” says he approvingly, “and this ruffian is safely bestowed in the coach?”

“Well,” says I, “and that’s where he was; but, as your worship will perceive, I am all of a daze, and maybe the villain will escape his bonds, if so be your worship will not lay hands on him forthright.”

“Ay, that I will,” said he, “we’ll despatch the rogue;” and, rising from his chair, he summoned his men. But at that instant there came a noisy clatter on the door, and the Justice stared at me. “Why, who is this at such a time?” he asked.

I knew well enough who it was, for Timothy Grubbe was not the man to leave himself touched with suspicions, and I had already fathomed his cunning purpose; which, indeed, was why I had forestalled him. His worship went to the door, and presently I heard voices in the hall, the one of which I distinguished easily enough. And after a little, as I sat