Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/188

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Galloping Dick

know what name you put on yourself,” he said in his rasping voice. “I have no such intimate acquaintance with gentlemen of the road. But I do know that I shall have you clapped in prison ere an hour. But why do you delay?” says he, addressing the Justice imperiously. “I have already asked you to place this fellow under arrest.”

His worship was very much disturbed. “Softly, softly,” he says, taking a pinch of snuff absently. “How am I to judge between you?”

“Judge,” says Timothy with a sneer. “I warrant His Majesty will have a word to say upon judges when the news of this goose-work reaches his ears.”

The Justice turned red. “Why---,” he stammered, and looked at Grubbe with doubt.

“Mr Justice,” I cut in, for I could see the case was turning against me, “I ask you to seize this man on a charge of highway robbery and murder.”

Grubbe gave me an ugly smile, as though he had gotten the best of me now, and I will