Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/191

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Of the King’s Treasure

For he gazed about in a stupid, sleepy fashion, looked vacantly on Grubbe, and then, his eyes dropping on me, he blinked and gave a cry.

“Well, sir,” says the Justice, “do you know this man?”

“Why, yes,” says the fat chandler, brightening up, “’tis the gentleman as had charge of His Majesty’s gold to take to Chatham.”

Grubbe started aback, and made as though to speak, but was silent. “Ha!” says the Justice. “Now it seems we are getting upon the scent.” And thereupon he called in the landlord of the “Pigeons,” who entered in some trepidation. “Do you know this man?” asked the Justice, now very stiff and formal.

Old Nick-and-Froth looked at Grubbe and shook his head, and then, with a glance at me, said in a public whisper to his worship, “’Tis an officer of His Majesty’s, upon a secret service,” and nodded mysteriously.

“Oho!” said his worship with a smile. “Faith, I think we have it now,” and he regarded Timothy sternly. “I think,” he says, “my good highwayman, that the little-ease in