Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/210

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Galloping Dick

might ha’ come to a different resolution. But seeing as things are thus, why pass your sentence, and be damned,” says I.

Thereat he puts on a little black cap, and turns to me with a solemn Anabaptist face. But I was not behind him at that, and so smack upon my head goes my own hat, and I surveyed him with as long and mopish a countenance as himself. And at the conclusion of his discourse I marched off as jaunty as you may wish, atween my guards. There was never a Judge on His Majesty’s bench as could get a tremor out of Dick Ryder.

Well, there was I now laid in the Jug again, in my little-ease of a cell, and scarce a fortnight ’twixt me and Tyburn. And first, you must know, they had me watched very sharply, for Grubbe had whispered in their ears that I was a devil that would break out of hell. ’Twas the dubsman told me this in excuse for harsher usage, for he was decent enough out of his office, and entertained an admiration for me. Nor was Grubbe much at fault, for it was not in my mind to rest in my dungeon convenient