Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/216

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Galloping Dick

dusted his legs. “Undoubtedly,” he returned, “there is a chance for such as truly repent them of their iniquities, but who testifieth to the sincerity of that repentance, seeing that we are but dust and ashes? Moreover I would ask you to observe that it is more comfortable to feel that the Lord takes vengeance upon them that break His commandments, as He rewards them that keep them. Thirdly,” says he, “whom He loveth He chasteneth.”

Now by this I had perceived that the Ordinary was somewhat gone in liquor, having primed himself, as I imagine, for our encounter; but it was no odds to me in what condition I found him, provided I could make a tool of him. And this I seemed likely to achieve, for when he left me, it was with the most polite messages of religion and a promise to see me again that evening for the further administration of sacred comforts. From the word, too, which I had of the gaoler, he took credit, I found, for having tamed me.

“I have exorcised him,” said he to the dubsman. “There’s nothing like the consolations of