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Galloping Dick

“How so?” says he eagerly.

“If your reverence,” says I, “will proceed to the ‘Bull’s Head’ and offer a message to the landlord, I have no doubt it may be managed. And this is what you shall say, namely, a demand for a dozen of Captain Ryder’s rare old burgundy, set by for occasions, and Captain Ryder’s lamentations, but he would drink a toast to the lads at the ‘Pack Horse’ to-morrow an’ he had not other business with his Majesty. ’Tis a civil farewell to ’em.”

The Ordinary got upon his legs. “I will discharge it at once,” he said with a hiccough.

“Do not forget the terms,” says I, “or the landlord, as like as not, will send you packing,” and I repeated them slowly a second time. The Ordinary solemnly repeated them after me, and then, shambling to the door, was gone.

I wager ’twas an uncomfortable hour I expended upon his leaving, for it was odds but he would forget his mission, or that Shackleton would not understand, or that, maybe, he would be stopped by an over-zealous turnkey. Therefore it was with great satisfaction that I heard