Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/238

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Galloping Dick

I was awoke about sunrise by the coming of the dubsman who, with a few rough words of condolence, bade me to prepare for the cart. This was easy done, and presently I was taken forth by his mates, one of whom ventured to rally me upon my fortunes in ugly terms. I would have taken the brute a clout under his jaw, if I had not been restrained by considerations of prudence. As it was, all I did was of a sudden to go down upon my knees and plead for his pardon. The turnkeys grinned, and the same fellow was for lifting me up with his foot, when in comes the Ordinary, looking the most dismal ruffian you can imagine in the three kingdoms, but his eyes very determined and business-like.

“Hold, Roper,” says he, sharply; “you would forget yourself;” and then to me, “I am glad, Ryder, to perceive that you are come to a resigned and dutiful spirit on this day of reckoning.”

I rolled my eyes, and murmured some hocus-pocus to myself, with my nose to the ceiling, and the Ordinary looking edified, took a pinch