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Galloping Dick

visit them with a surprise presently. ’Twas a rare piece of fun to them, no doubt, that Dick Ryder was turned puritan, and Shackleton’s lads, too, must have stared. For, by that same token, when we were at length off Soho, to the accompaniment of many groans and cheers, and a great concourse of people, I saw, sure enough, that Shackleton had took my meaning, for there was a string of ’em in accordance with my signal, outside the “Pack Horse.” Here once again I fell upon my knees, and this time the Ordinary, who was being carried away by his growing passion, as we neared the Tree, fell with me, calling out his prayers aloud. And just then, glinting out of the tail of my eye I caught sight of Timothy Grubbe, all in a grin by the roadway. That somehow put the rowels on me, and with a swift movement of my arms I loosened the darbies upon my wrists and legs, and flinging them off with a clank into the cart, whipped out the gully and with a bound was over the edge and into the road, leaving the poor Ordinary upside down, with his long legs