Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/257

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

out having gotten even a hornbook knowledge of life?”

“The reproach, Ryder,” says he, with an appearance of consideration, “is too cutting. I know women very well, as you must admit.”

“And a fine field that is to grub in,” I says with a sneer.

“’Tis very pleasant,” says he impartially; and at the words spoken very takingly and with such an absence of offence, my dudgeon vanished and I broke into laughter again.

“Damme,” I says, “you’re the man for me, in whatever gutter you make your livelihood; and you shall drink me fair at the “World’s End” to it, or by the Almighty, I’ll batoon your fat paunch.”

The invitation was bluff enough in all conscience, but I suppose he accepted the spirit of it, for he replied, with a glance at his belly—

“Indeed, it is none so monstrous, Ryder, when all’s said. But I will confess that it has outstripped my ambition by several inches. Yet do my friends assure me that it is in no