Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/274

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Galloping Dick

some other light-skirts, and my lady being of a jealous disposition, was in the mind to capture it; while I was the catspaw, was I, to serve her ends. Oh well, thinks I, here’s a new face to the adventure, at the least; and assuming a stern frown, I leaped quickly to my feet and made for Old Rowley, where he sat, very much exercised, I daresay, upon what we were exchanging.

“Hark’ee,” says I, “Master What-be-your-name.” He put his head to one side and regarded me whimsically. “If ’twere not for your years I would learn you smartly to thieve a lady’s goods—and as it is, and to avoid delay, I will have you disgorge me a certain necklace as belongs to Madam here.”

Old Rowley started slightly, and a frown settled on his forehead. He had not anticipated this, I could see, and for a moment he sent a sharp look at her ladyship. But she leaned back and disregarded him.

“What do you mean?” he asked, somewhat

“Oh,” says I, mockingly, “I reckon you are