Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/279

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

But he, looking up, and appearing to notice us for the first time, started to his feet hastily.

“Faith, I beg your pardon,” he says very suavely. “But I am fallen very forgetful. Sure, of course, I will not be trespassing upon two such billing doves,” and marched at once for the door.

But at this intimation her ladyship turned pale, and cried out for him to help her, retreating in his direction, and keeping a fearful eye on me. I was vastly entertained to see the jade’s consternation, for she was well paid for the strategy she used on Old Rowley. He came to a pause by the door, assuming an air of perplexity, and then, when she invoked him once more, feeling, I conceive, that the jest had run far enough, he came up to me, and tapped me on the arm.

“Ryder,” said he, pretending to whisper, but in a voice very audible. “You press her too closely. God forbid that you should fling her back on me. ’Twixt ourselves, I am well quit of her arrant temper. But serve her more gently, and with a proper approach.”