Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/30

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Galloping Dick

but we made safely, if at some pains, down the bye-road which led to Wretford, the Bishop a black lump upon Calypso, and myself straddling the carriage horse which his servant had left. The wind took us in the hindquarters only, and for that I was glad, as it stung like a thousand knives upon the naked face. I was mightily pleased to be out of that bleak night and stowed in a snug warm house: and in this regard I’ll warrant the Bishop was none behind me. The inn was empty; but the chamber into which the innkeeper showed us roared with flaming logs, and at the first glow of the light upon the wooden walls the Bishop turned to me and smiled. “We shall do well,” he says, “if the supper be in any keeping with this show of comfort.”

“And by the Lord, my lord,” I put in, “you may trust Dick Ryder for that.”

“And now,” says he, still smiling and very affably, “is it you that dine with me, or am I determined as the guest?”

“My lord,” said I, bobbing to. him, for I would take him in his own vein, “we gentle-