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Galloping Dick

for the relation in canon law, but ’twill serve, doubtless, for my argument.”

“And for our toast, my lord,” said I stoutly. The Bishop looked at me, his eyes twinkled suddenly, and he lifted his glass. “And for our toast, as you have well observed, Ryder,” he agreed.

In the pursuit of my business I have had occasion to mingle in a variety of company. I have dined with the Lord Chief Justice—not with his will, to be sure; I have encountered a Royal Prince; and I have entertained several noble ladies and gentlemen of title upon compulsion. Altogether I have a tolerable acquaintance among the quality. But the Bishop was more to my taste than the most amiable among them; and when he spoke of Polly Scarlett in such kindly terms, the friendliness went straight to my heart, and I reached over my hand and stuck it at him.

“My lord,” says I, “you take me by the heart, and, ’fore Heaven, if you had a score of purses you should go free of the confraternity. As one gentleman of the road should speak to