Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/44

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Galloping Dick

horse, backing and plunging under his clumsy handling, saved me the rest of his protest. But, seizing the bridle in my left hand, I forthwith brought his nose up to the window.

“Sir,” said I, politely, to the man in the coach, “the frost holds hard, and the snow lies heavy, and my friend and I, lacking purses of our own, must needs borrow of our neighbours to carry us to that excellent host, my Lord Petersham’s. And as on this great occasion of the Lady Mary’s marriage, we should think shame to do things with a niggard hand, why, we are fain to dip deep into your pockets. I am sure,” says I, with a glance at the lady, “that this lamentable condition of my friend in particular, for I am of younger and more vigorous blood, will merit the tender consideration of the sex.”

I could have fallen off the mare for laughter, and for the first time in the adventures of that night I caught a look of consternation stamped upon the Bishop’s face. But as for the couple in the coach, they made no more ado after their first emotion. I have the repute of a manner,