Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/49

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Of the Bishop’s Quandary

the hedge for shelter against our next enterprise.”

Perhaps it was scarce what he had expected, but he made no reply.

I was already in excellent temper, for the humour of the affair fairly set my head buzzing; and on the next episode of the night I was flushed with my own roaring spirits, as though I had been still drunken in the inn. And no sooner was the sound of horses’ hoofs come up the hill but I caught the Bishop by the arm and, horse by horse, we took the road. “Here, comrade,” said I, “faith, we have, as it seems, a fuller job to our hands.” For at the moment two horsemen cantered into the cross-ways. “Two merry young bloods from London town,” says I, “who, I dare swear, have some spunk in the pair of them. But forward, forward, my bold cavalier! And we’ll lay the gallants by the heels ere they so much as darkle at us.” And clapping a pistol in the Bishop’s hand, I pricked up Calypso and rode forward to meet them.

I swept upon the two like a whirlwind, the