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Galloping Dick

than an assignation.” He nodded, with a miserable kind of wink, and bobbed his nose into the wine, seeming very much pleased with himself. But now I was gotten very big with the notion I had in my head and looked to put it to the test. Indeed, I miscalled myself a fool in that the idea had not taken me earlier, with all those stirring rumours from the South, where that silly cully of a Monmouth, was setting the country-side by the ears. The splashes upon my neighbour’s feet and legs lay as thick as a Devon brogue might ha’ laid on his tongue, and I could almost swear to every mile since he had ridden forth of Tiverton. And with that the shape of my new behaviour came to me boldly.

“Look’ee,” says I, speaking earnestly. “Across the main length of this table when I first crossed my legs under it, I liked the fancy of you; and though ’twas in a fashion of snarling you showed your teeth at me, why I mind you none the worse for a fire-eater.”

“Go on,” said he, regarding me with wonder.

“Come, then,” I went on. “You’re too good a lad for this fetching and carrying. Your