Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/72

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Galloping Dick

I felt him give a sudden start under my hand, but, taking no notice, I winked at him and nodded.

“Oh!” he cries, looking close at me, and speaking in a lower voice, “so you’re for the Prince, are you?”

“Hush!” says I, looking about me. “This ground is not safe.”

He followed my looks with a little display of timidity, and then returned to the contemplation of myself. He inspected me narrowly, and afterwards dropped his eyes, shrugging his shoulders.

“I am no hand with a sword,” said he.

I was no longer in any doubts. He was certainly from the seat of the insurrection, and as like as not with important papers. Indeed, his whole bearing was of a man that feared to be taken. But I pressed him a little closer.

“Ah!” I cried, feigning to rally him. “But I can see you have used a gully upon requirement. Think on it. I’ll vow to further you. An’ his Sacred Majesty had ten such swords as mine he would be in no needs of whistling for more, and