Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/77

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Galloping Dick

man Baverstock as the skill and nicety of his opponent that took my fancy; and “Bravo!” I cried, “bravo!”

Thereupon the Captain turned, and seeming to observe me for the first time, looked me up and down, and ended with a good-humoured grin in my face.

“And who the Devil may you be?” says he, smiling.

“Rot me, Captain,” says I, “as to that, think of me merely as one that lacks the occasion to try swords with you.”

“As to that,” he replied, observing me closer and with more interest, “maybe we shall better the chance in good time.”

“Why, yes,” says I, on an impulse I could not withstand, for the man drew me so. “And here’s to the opportunity.”

And with that I filled a glass, and pushing it at him lifted my own to my lips. He eyed me askew, in a fascinating way he had, from under his bent brows, and then burst into laughter.

“And here, my good sir, is to the opportunity,” he said.