Page:Marsh--The seen and the unseen.djvu/288

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"I AM sure of it!"

Inglis laid down his knife and fork. He stared round and round the small apartment in a manner which was distinctly strange. My wife caught him up. She laid down her knife and fork.

"You're sure of what?"

Inglis seemed disturbed. He appeared unwilling to give a direct answer. "Perhaps, after all, it's only a coincidence."

But Violet insisted "What is a coincidence?"

Inglis addressed himself to me.

"The fact is, Millen, directly I came on board I thought I had seen this boat before."

"But I thought you said that you had never heard of the Water Lily."

"Nor have I. The truth is that when I knew it, it wasn't the Water Lily."

"I don't understand."

"They must have changed the name. Unless I am very much mistaken this—this used to be the Sylph."

"The Sylph?"