Page:Martha Spreull by Zachary Fleming.pdf/32

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IT is true I am only a wumman, and maybe that is the reason I never could understand hoo the word Humanity ever got to mean the study o'n dead language. Onybody that has seen as I hae dune, may puir ludger laddies marching about till past midnight wi' their een starin' i' their heads, an' wi' big blabs o' sweat on their broos, tryin' to maister as muekle o' the Laitin tongue as wud pass them decently through their examination, will hardly wonder that I am a thocht dootfu' aboot the appropriateness of the name.

I min' some years sin' the Free Kirk Presbytery o' Glasca, on the motion of the learned Moderator, agreed to ask the General Assembly to dae awa wi' the Laitin discoorse required by students while in attendance at the Divinity Hall, and again when appearing before the Presbytery for license. What the Assembly did wi' the motion I canna tell, but I think that wis humanity i' the lairger sense o' the word. My faither, honest man-wha wis ordnar' weel edicated himsel', and wha wis deacon o' the Cordiners on three several occasions, no to speak o' havin' ance been nominated as Deacon Convener o' the fourteen Incorporations—held gey strong opeenions regardin' the edication o' ministers. Maybe his feelin's were edged a wee by