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BED BECK, T. R. and JOHN B. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, 7th ed., brought down to the present time, including the notes of Dr. Dunlap and Dr. Darwall. 8vo. London. 1842. Bvo. Phila- delphia. 1838. This Treatise has had an extended sale, and is one of the best autho- rities upon the subject of Medical Jurisprudence. "It embraces all that is really useful either to the physician or the lawyer." During the suc- cessive editions the work has been enlarged, and a considerable portion of the fifth American edition was re-written and the notes of the English editors, Dunlap and Darwall, inserted. It was first published in 1823, and from that time to the present there have been seven English and six American editions. In some of the editions the work was published in two volumes. At the close of vol. 2d will be found a list of the principal works upon Medical Jurisprudence. 1 L. M. 509 ; 2 Law Chronicle, 280 ; Warren's Law Studies, 179 ; 2 Page, 42. BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT^ A. The Comic Blackstone, with illustrations by G. Criiikshank. 12mo. London. 1846. "The author is one of the wittiest writers of the day. Few could have travestied so well the real Blackstone, following it literally step by step." 4 L. M. 356. BECKWITH, WM. A letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, on the necessity of an inquiry into the causes of delay in Chancery pro- ceedings, and of arrears of appeals in the House of Lords. 8vo. London. 1810. Pamphlet. . A plan to 'prevent all charitable donations for the benefit of poor persons in the several parishes of England and Wales, from loss, embezzlement, non-application, misapplication, fraud, and abuse, in future. 8vo. London. 1807. BEDEL, A. Nouveau Guide des etudians en Droit; contenant une introduction somniaire a I'etude du Droit, I'analyse des lois, decrets, ordonnances, statuts, etc. 18mo. Paris. 1828. BEDFORD, E. The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted, against Dr. Higden's view and defence, folio. London. 1713. BEDFORD LEVEL. Collection of laws which form the consti- tution of the Bedford Level corporation, together with an intro- ductory history thereof, by Charles Nalson Cole, Esq. 8vo. 2d ed., with additions. 17G1, 1803. An account of a considerable number of tracts, written on the subject 106