Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/124

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BEN by Dubernard. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1825; and into Italian, by A. Rosetti. 1828. The author has prepared a perspicuous and well arranged Treatise. His comments upon decisions show much tact and reflection, and the work throughout denotes an accurate acquaintance with his own and the laws of other countries. It abounds in new and striking reflections, and it displays powers, not only of laborious research, but of analysis, com- parison, and generalization, that gives the author a just title to be ranked in the small class of patient and original thinkers. The work was the result of many years study, and was intended for the use of the mer- chant and ship owner, as well as of the practising lawyer. The English edition is less complete than the German. 3 Kent, 351 ; 107 Mon. Rev. 106; 1 Duer'slns. 49. BENJAMIN, J. P. and T. SLIDELL. A Digest of the Reported Decisions of the superior court of the late territory of Orleans, and of the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans. 1840. BENNET, W. II. A Dissertation on the nature of the various proceedings in the master's office in the Court of Chancery, &c. 8vo. London. 1834. Sec Law Library. BENLOE, GULIELME, and GULIELME DALISON. Les Reports des divers Cases en le Court del Common Bank, en le several Reignes de Hen. VII,, Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., et Mar. et Eliz. folio. London. 1689. See Abbreviations, ante, p, 5, note (°). BENTHAM, JEREMIE. Traite des Preuves Judiciaires ouvrage extrait des manuscrits de M. Bentham, par Et. Dumont. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1823. This Treatise, M. Dumont in his preface Remarks, cost the author more labor than any other of his productions. It was extracted and pre- pared for the press, by the Redadeur, from a mass of materials that had long been accumulating. The author's criticisms upon English law are omitted, which Mr. Mill has supplied in his edition of Bentham's evidence. Translated into English. 8vo. London. 1825. Traite de Legislation, Civile et Penale, par Et. Dumont. 3 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1802. Translated into English by R. Ilildreth. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1840. . Introduction to the principles of morals and legis- lation. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1823. 112