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BLA ivhose attendance upon the Courts was subsequently much interrupted by his call to Oxford. The second volume is by far the most valuable, since it contains an unbroken series of decisions of the Court of Common Pleas during the time the author sat as one of the judges. It is pretty generally acknowledged that the publication of these volumes has not added much to the literary reputation of Blackstone. " The first volume is inferior to Burrows, and the second not superior to Wilson." Lord Mansfield impugned their accuracy, and INIr. Justice Lewis says of them, " though the production of an able judge, they are not of the highest authority." The last edition of these reports was ably edited by Elsley, and they are now cited with pretty general favor and respect. The editions are, 2 vols., folio, London, 1780 ; 2 vols., 8vo., 1781, Dub- lin, 1789, and the above. Wallace's Reporters, 65; 67 Monthly Re- view, 10; Douglas, 93, n. ; 1 Johnson's Cases, 45. BLACKSTONE, SIR WILLIAM. Analysis of the Laws of England, with an appendix of tables of consanguinity and of descent, with their explanation, and precedents of divers instru- ments and forms of judicial proceedings in common use. 6th ed. 8vo. London. 177L . Magna Charta, and Charta de foresta, and correct copies from the most authentic records of the several republica- tions and exemplifications enacted in confirmation of them, with an historical account of the several originals, and of the altera- tions that were made from the first granting thereof, 17 John, A. D. 1215, to their final establishment, 29 Edw. L, A. D. 1300. 4to. Oxford. 1758. The editor, in his learned remarks upon the Charters, has done much to illustrate the exact history of the origin of the English liberties, by consulting a variety of materials before disregarded. He submitted the result of his labors to the public in modest and unassuming terms, the usual concomitants of a man of real merit and ability. 8 Crit. Rev. 462. . Recherches sur les' Cours et les Procedures cri- minelles d'Angleterre ; extraites des Commentaries de Blackstone, sur les loix Angloises. 8vo. Paris. 1790. . Law Tracts, chiefly relating to the antiquities and laws of England : L An analysis of the laws of England. II. An essay on collateral consanguinity. III. Considerations on Copy- holders. IV. Observations on the Oxford press. V. An intro- 127