Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/155

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BRA BRAMWELL, GEORGE. The Manner of Proceedings in Pri- vate Bills in the House of Commons, with a supplement on difficult points which have recently occurred in practice. 4to. London. 1833. . New Code of General Turnpike Acts. A classi- fication, according to the subject matter, of all the existing clauses in the General Turnpike Acts now in force in England, &c. 8vo. London. 1835. BRANCH, THOMAS. Principia Legis et ^Equitatis ; being an alphabetical collection of maxims, principles or rules, and defini- tions in law and equity. 12mo. 5th cd. with additions, and the Latin maxims and notes translated. By J. Richardson. 12mo. London. 1824. " As a manual, this little book contains more law and more useful matter, than any one book of the same size which can be put into the hands of the student." It is more extensive than Noy's Maxims, and " draws so copiously from the common law reports and writers of the age of Elizabeth, and since that time, that it may be regarded as the accumulated spirit and wisdom of the great body of the English law." There is an American edition, from the fourth English, by W. W. Ken- ning, with additions, 8vo., Richmond, 1824. Mr. Warren points out errors in Richardson's edition of the work. Preston on Abstracts, 214 ; 2 Ivent,. 554; Warren's Law Stu. 802. 'i'^ .J'y' •■'-..■' 7 '--^ ;; ' BRANDON, W. ^Customary Laws of the City of London. Part L The Distribution of the Personal Estate of Freemen dying Litestate, &c. 8vo. London. 1845. BRANDRETH, TURNER, LUDLAM, WEIGHTMAN, and others. Trial of, for High Treason, under a special commission, at Derby, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1817. BRAY, REIGNALD. Concise Directions for obtaining the Lord Chancellor's order for the election and removal of coroners of counties, and of verderors and regarders of forests ; with an appendix of forms and cases, collected from the ofiicial books of the receiver of the fines of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. Lon- don. 1831. BRAYTON, WILLIAM. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Vermont, from 1815 to 1819. 8vo. Middlebury. 1821. 143