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COL COLLES, RICH. The Circuit Book. Part I. 8vo. Dublin. 1814. . Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the Higli Court of Parliament, from 1697 to 1713; being a Supplementary volume to Brown's Cases, in Parliament. Svo. Dublin. 1789. These Reports form the eighth volume of Brown's Parliamentary Cases. It is called a supplement to Browii's Cases, though most of the decisions are antecedent to Brown's period, and in a great measure till up the chasm between Shower and Brown. COLLET, HENRY. A Treatise on the Laws of England, con- cerning Estates in Land, Advowsons, &;c., with some Observations on Bankruptcy. Svo. London. 1754. COLLIER, J. D. An Essay on the Law of Patents for New In- ventions, to which are prefixed two chapters on the General His- tory of Monopolies, and on their Introduction and Progress in England, to the time of the interregnum. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1803. COLLIER, ROBERT P. The new Railway Acts, with Notes illustrative of their operation on the present state of Railway Law, and refering to all the decided Cases ; together with an Appendix containing the practice before Railway Parliamentary Committees, the Standing Orders ofboth Houses, &c. 12mo. London. 1845. COLLINS, G. W. The Stamp Acts, with the Cases decided thereon, considered, with a view to ascertain their influence upon Avritten documents when produced for the purpose of Evidence. Svo. London. 1841. COLLINSON, G. D. A Treatise on the Law concerning Idiots, Lunatics, and other persons Non Compotes Mentis. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1812. " Cojlinson on Lunacy, I take this occasion to say, is a valuable work, both for doctrine and precedents, on this melancholy subject of the human mind in ruins." Chancellor Kent, 3 John. Cha. Rep. 567. COLLYER, J. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, from H. T. 1844, to H. T. 1845. Svo. London. 1845. 214