Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/240

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COP COOPER, G. A Treatise of Pleading on the Equity side of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London. 1809. Bvo. New York. 1813. The author took Mitford's Treatise upon Equity Pleading as the basis of his work, incorporating such additions as subsequent decisions af- forded. It is rather an improved editiou of Mitford than an original work. It had the reputation of a methodical and comprehensive produc- tion, when published, but is now out of print and out of use. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, in H., E., and Trinity Terms, 55 Geo. HL 8vo. London. 1815. New York. 1824. COOTE, R. H. Treatise on the Law of Mortgage, with an Ap- pendix of Precedents. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1837. " Mr. Coote's Treatise is most succinct and accurate." The second edition was re-written, but the author has not fully explained the modern cases. 4 Kent's Cora. 180, n. ; 1 L. M. GI ; 1 Jurist, 409; (3) 825. See Law Library. . Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, grounded on the Text of R. B. Comyn's Landlord and Tenant Law, and embracing the important parts of Woodfall and Cham- bers. 8vo. London. 1840. . An Analysis, arranged to serve also as a compen- dious digested Index to Mr. Fearne's Essay on Contingent Re- mainders and Executory Devises, and of Mr. Butler's Notes. 8vo. London. 1814. " Every topic to be found in the text and notes, is concisely abridged by Mr. Coote, and the whole is alphabetically arranged. This small volume should ever be in view whilst the student is engaged with the great original." HotF. Leg. Stu. 241. COPINGER, MAURICE. Practical Arrangement of the Laws relative to the Excise, with Opinions of the Judges thereon, and an Appendix of Precedents of Information, &c. 4to. London. 1799. COPYHOLD. The Complete English Copyholder, being the Common and Statute Law of England ; together with the adjudged Cases relating to Manors, Copyhold Estates, Courts leet and Courts baron, common placed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1735. 228