Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/256

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CUN cellor Kent's Commentaries and Mr. Hilliard's Abridgment. A number of the titles in Cruise, are not at all applicable to the United States, and in our legislation and decisions we have in several respects been build- ing up a system of Real Property peculiar to ourselves. 19 A. J. 487; 1 Bart. Conv. 30; 1 Hill. Abrid. Pref. ; 1 L. M. 59 ; (5) 267; Ritsoe's Law Edu. 148; Hayes' Principles, Intro. 28 n ; 14 L. M. 3G1 ; North's Study of Laws, 72; 1 Kent's Com. 511; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 232; 10 L. O. 169. CRUISE, WILLIAM. An Essay on Uses. 8vo. London. 1795. The substance of this Essay is incorporated in the author's Digest. CULLEN, C. SINCLAIR. Reform of the Bankrupt Court. 8vo. London. 1830. CULLEN, MICHAEL. Churchwarden and Parish Officer's Guide. 12mo. Dublin. 1823. _ CULLEN, ARCH. Principles of the Bankrupt Law. 8vo. Lon- don. 1800. " CuUen's Bankrupt Law is written with brevity and distinctness, omitting nothing that is material, and introducing nothing that is unim- portant." 35 Month. Rev. 2d Ser. 66. CULVERHOUSE, C. Arrangement of the Bread Laws, with an Historical Introduction, and some curious Specimens of the Ancient Bread Laws, and Tables exhibiting the Price and Assize of Bread from the price of Wheat and Flour. 8vo. London. 1815. CUMBERLAND, R. De Legibus Nalurre Disquisitio Philosophica ; in qua earum forma, summa capita, ordo, promulgatio et obligalio e rerum natura investigantur ; quin etiam eleraenta philosophiae Hobbianae cum moralis, turn civilis, considerantur et confutantur. 4to. London. 1672, 1675. 8vo. Dublin. 1720. See Tyrrell.

  • ' Ce livre est un des meilleurs sur le droit natural, quoique un peu

abstrait." It was translated into English, by J. Maxwell, 4to., London, 1727. There is another English edition, with notes, by J. Towers, 4to., Dublin, 1750. Barbeyrac translated the work from the Latin into French, •with notes, 4to., Leyden, 1744, 1757. There are also several other Continental editions. 2 Dupin's Camus, 34. CUNNINGHAM, T. A New Treatise of the Laws concerning Tithes, containing all the Statutes, adjudged Cases, Resolutions, and Judgments, relating thereto. 4th ed. corrected and enlarged. Svo. London. 1777. 244