Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/272

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DEC DEAN, AMOS. A Manual of Law for the Use of Business Men ; containing, alphabetically arranged, the Legal Principles of most frequent Application to ordinary Business Transactions. 12mo. Albany. 1838. DEARSLY, H. R. Law of Banks and Bankers ; with an Appen- dix, containing the Charter and By-laws of the Bank of England, and the Principal Statutes relating to Banking Listitutions gene- rally. Preparing for Publication. DEAS, GEORGE, and JAMES ANDERSON. Cases decided in the Court of Session, Jury Court, and High Court of Justi- ciary, from March, 1829, to September, 1832. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1829-33. DEBATES, Evidence, and Documents, connected with the Inves- tigation of the Charges brought by the Attorney-General for Ire- land, against C. Thorpe, Esq., High Sheriff of Dublin, in the House of Commons. 8vo. Dublin. 1820. DEBTOR. The Debtor and Creditor's Guide. 12mo. London. DECISIONS of the Court of Session, from 1735 to 1744. fol. Edinburgh. 1791. of the English Judges during the Usurpation from 1655 to 1661. fol. Edinburgh. 1762. of the Court of Session, from its institution till the year 1764, with several Decisions since that period ; arranged under proper titles in the form of a Dictionary. 5 vols. 12mo. London. 1774. of the Court of Session, from February, 1752, to November, 1825 ; Collected by Appointment of the Faculty of Advocates. 21 vols, folio. Edinburgh. 1760-1828. These Reports were originally collected by Gibson, from 1G21 to 1642; Nisbet, from 16G5 to 1G77, with his Law Doubts; English Judges, 1655-1661; Stair, 1661 to 1681, 2 vols. ; Gilmour, 1661 to 1666; Falconer, from 1681 to 1686, 1 vol., 4to. ; Fountainhall, 1678 to 1712, 2 vols.; Harcarse, 1681 to 1691; Dalrymple, 1698 to 1718; Forbes, 1705 to 1713; Bruce, 1714 to 1715; Karnes, 1716 to 1728; Edgar, 1724 to 1725; Kames, 1730 to 1752; Clerk Home, 1735 to 1744 ; Kilkerran, 1738 to 1752 ; Falconer, 1744 to 1751 ; Kames, 1752 to 1768 ; Bell, Rob. 1790 to 1792, 8vo. ; do. 1793 to 1795. 260